Cam Dresie

Greetings! I'm a Staff Product Manager at Ontra, where I lead the development of AI-powered solutions for the legal industry. I'm a California licensed attorney and hold a law degree from Washington University in St. Louis and a Masters in Computer and Information Technology from the University of Pennsylvania.

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Cam Dresie | Staff Product Manager

Phrase Hunter Game

This project uses object-oriented vanilla JavaScript to create a hangman-like game. Players use the onscreen keyboard to make their guesses. If a guess is incorrect, the player loses a life (the hearts at the bottom). The player has a total of five tries in which to guess the phrase. If they do not, a losing message is presented and they can restart the game. If they guess the phrase, then a winning message is displayed and they can generate a new random phrase to guess. The data set was generated from a text file containing more than 8,000 common English phrases (and a few of my own). I cleaned the data set to remove expressions that contained punctuation and filtered out inappropriate phrases using Java. Then the data set was imported to this project.