Cam Dresie

Greetings! I'm a Staff Product Manager at Ontra, where I lead the development of AI-powered solutions for the legal industry. I'm a California licensed attorney and hold a law degree from Washington University in St. Louis and a Masters in Computer and Information Technology from the University of Pennsylvania.

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Cam Dresie | Staff Product Manager

Stack Moxie Published Values

Published Values is a feature I built from the ground up while working with Stack Moxie. I was also involved in wireframing the idea and doing feature research on how best to implement it. Published Values is a feature that allows users of the Stack Moxie testing framework to use a list of values to run test cases against. This is particularly useful in contexts where a value could be any one of a large set of values. Rather than testing against each individual value or entering the values one-by-one, published values allow the user to create lists once and use them multiple times. The feature also connects with a user's Salesforce Global Picklist values, which allows them to test against Salesforce values if they have a connection. In addition, the feature notifies users when Salesforce Global Picklist values have changed, exposing critical information to marketing team members who don't always have Admin access to their company's Salesforce instance, but do rely on the data in global picklists to conduct their daily tasks. New or updated values are intelligently retrieved once per day and cached using Redis.